Difficulties With the New Layout

Difficulties With the New Layout

I'm sure you are all aware of the recent changes that have been made to takingnotesmusic.org.  Unfortunately, we are experiencing many problems as of now.  At this point, the only way to access the site is by manually typing our old URL of 'takingnotesmusic.blogspot.com'.  Complications don't end there.  Many articles have disappeared, making it look like we have been inactive since last year.  You all know that this is untrue.  Hopefully these problems will be resolved in the next few days.  We ask for you patience while we work out these problems.

Email us any problems you have while browsing Taking Notes, and we will be sure to address them.  I am incredibly frustrated by these difficulties. ~ DWilliams

1 comment :

  1. Oh no!!! I could tell something was wrong yesterday. I'm glad your trying to fix it! I see a couple of recent articles, but then it just skips everything else from this year!

    Also I cant click on any of the headings. the only ones that work are the ones at the very top :/
