The Rise and Fall of Taking Notes Music Reviews

The Rise and Fall of Taking Notes Music Reviews

~ "A man is not finished when he is defeated.  He is finished when he quits." ~

As I'm sure you have all noticed, there has not been any type of content published here in nearly 2 months.  However, we are completely prepared to make up for that lost time throughout the summer.  There are certain subjects I can't go into much detail about, but I would like to explain to you all why we had to take an extended hiatus.  I'm sure you have heard the rumored legal complications of the Taking Notes Music Tour, and our extreme difficulties with Passion Pit.  Other reasons include my work with people outside of the writing aspect of this occupation.  I am currently the only registered employee at Taking Notes, and it has been difficult finding a writing staff that will please all of you.  I learned how picky you can be in March during the famed "LFriday Incident".  

The Taking Notes Music Tour put a lot of pressure on us, and the expectations were something that we just could not live up to.  Fortunately, the rest of the Tour should continue on schedule.  I will upload an updated schedule shortly, because the original timetable is now completely inaccurate.  

Our merchandise store is still set to launch shortly, so stay tuned for more news regarding that.  Are there any albums or songs you would like to see me review in the next few weeks? Let me know in the comment section below! 

Thanks again to all of the devoted fans of TNMR.  We have continued to maintain a strong amount of viewers even during this long break, and I am very appreciative of all of your support. --DW

Get Ready....I'm Back


  1. I'm sure you lost plenty of fans, but I'm glad everything is fixed and back to normal (hopefully!). You should totally review the new Miley Cyrus song!!! I'm really excited that your back!

  2. Love the subtle Bowie reference = "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust" haha
    I'm glad that there are actual reasons for it and you didn't just get bored and quit, and anxious to see what's next

  3. Replies
    1. well there's no need for that. seriously chill.

    2. Well...the haters always crawl out from under their rocks..that's life...Anonymous needs to look in mirror to reveal the real A-Hole!

  4. Just read the latest review. Taking notes is definitely back; he's better than ever!!
